CSA Newsletter Week 22/52

Week 22/52 of 2021 

Dear Farm Members,

This week, your regular boxes contain a special treat - a head of Mountain Bounty garlic, freshly pulled from our fields this past Friday. It’s some of the best garlic we’ve grown, fat from a long winter in the rich red clay of our sunny Birchville farm site. Growing this beloved crop is truly a labor of love for us, especially when you consider the extensive amount of time it takes to grow it! We tuck thousands of tiny cloves into the ground at the beginning of October, lovingly mulch them with straw, and cross our fingers that the harvest nearly nine months later will be a good one. In May, as the lower leaves begin to die back, we carefully count what remains, each leaf representing one papery layer once the garlic has cured.  We aim to harvest when the crop has between 5-7 of these ‘skins’ left to protect it. 

Because this garlic is so fresh, it isn’t fully cured and has to be handled slightly differently than the garlic that most of us are used to. Cloves can be peeled just like you would any garlic - the skins will still be soft, but should be relatively easy to remove. Fresh garlic has a higher concentration of water in the cloves, and cooks quickly as a result, so use low heat and pay attention to avoid scorching it. Not interested in using your garlic fresh? No problem! Store it at room temperature in a dry, well-ventilated spot, out of direct sunlight - it will gradually dry and cure. Happy eating!


CSA Cooking Class 

We're hosting another cooking class on Wednesday, June 16th! Hosted by CSA Member and public health educator, Wendy Van Wagner, we'll go over how to use the CSA box to guide your menu planning throughout the week and highlight the early summer bounty of zucchini, cucumbers, broccoli, carrots, and more!

See you Thursday, June 16, 2021, at 10 am via Zoom! Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/97063081564?pwd=c1pObGxEQ21TOWV3NXBQa00zTEFQUT09

Farm Tour with Sierra Harvest

An updated version of a Sierra Harvest classic, the Farm Potluck, we’ll be kicking off the 2021 Farm Tour season with a tour of Mountain Bounty Farm on Thursday, June 17th! Learn about the history of our farm (we’re almost 25 years old), how we feed 900 households each week, and meet your MBF farmers!

Tickets are $10 and available from the Sierra Harvest website: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07ehy3ave2f08e400b&oseq=&c=&ch=



  • Chard

  • Arugula

  • Sugar Snap Peas

  • Green Cabbage

  • Butter Lettuce

  • Zucchini/Cucumber

  • Fresh Garlic

  • Fennel

  • Scallions

  • Parsley


  • Chard

  • Arugula

  • Sugar Snap Peas

  • Green Cabbage

  • Lettuce

  • Radish

  • Cilantro

SEASONAL FLOWER SHARES: (provided by Little Boy Flowers)

This is the fourth and FINAL week of the PEONY Flower Share. Please double-check the delivery list to confirm you are signed up for these shares before taking a bouquet. 

The Summer Flower Shares start in July and are a separate subscription.

SUMMER FRUIT SHARE starts this week! If you haven't paid yet, now is the time! You can check your balance from your member dashboard. These shares are SOLD OUT but add your name to our waiting list and we'll let you know if we have more space available: https://mountainbounty.csaware.com/summer-fruit-share-wnc-C19511

  • Spring Snow White Peaches (D.E. Boldt Organic Farm)

  • Princess Time Yellow Peaches (D.E. Boldt Organic Farm)

  • Red Roy Yellow Nectarines (D.E. Boldt Organic Farm)

  • Gold Bar Apricots (Blossom Hill)


Chilled Zucchini Soup (Zucchini)

Chargrilled Scallion Salsa Verde (Scallions, Parsley and/or Cilantro)

Cherry, Chard, and Hazelnut Grain Salad (Chard)

Broccoli Slaw (Broccoli, Cabbage, Scallions, Parsley and/or Cilantro)

Roasted Garlic Crostini (Garlic)

Mountain Bounty Farm

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CSA Newsletter Week 21/52

Week 21/52 of 2021 

Dear Farm Members,

After much anticipation, we’ve begun harvesting beautiful heads of broccoli and broccolini from the first of our spring plantings. Broccoli is one of the most beloved vegetables that we grow, so much so that we periodically consider changing our name to ‘Mountain Bounty Broccoli Farm’. A lover of cool weather, water, and high soil fertility makes this crop tricky to grow, especially in our region, where shoulder seasons are far too ephemeral. We do our best to grow as much as possible throughout the spring and fall, with a goal of supplying the CSA, farmer’s market, and wholesale accounts with all the broccoli anyone could ever dream of. The real joy in growing broccoli, however, is the harvest. The plants are tall, sometimes waist-high, with emerald crowns that sit low enough to turn each harvest into a hunt. The feeling of peering past jurassic-level leaves to discover a broccoli crown that’s bigger than your head... is one I can only describe as pure euphoria. Here’s hoping that you enjoy the broccoli in your boxes this week as much as we enjoyed harvesting it for you! 


CSA Cooking Class 

This Wednesday, May 26th at 6 pm, we are hosting our first CSA cooking class! Hosted by CSA Member and public health educator, Wendy Van Wagner, we'll go over tips and tricks for storing your produce from your CSA and how to use the CSA box to guide your menu planning throughout the week. Whether you are new to the CSA or been a member for 20 years, this class is a great place to find new inspiration for your CSA!

See you Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 6:00 PM  7:30 PM via Zoom! Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/97067714969?pwd=WmRrYVBNMW1sWUI0MDJQaGVEM3dxQT09

Farm Tour with Sierra Harvest

An updated version of a Sierra Harvest classic, the Farm Potluck, we’ll be kicking off the 2021 Farm Tour season with a tour of Mountain Bounty Farm! Learn about the history of our farm (we’re almost 25 years old), how we feed 900 households each week, and meet your MBF farmers!

Tickets are $10 and available from the Sierra Harvest website: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07ehy3ave2f08e400b&oseq=&c=&ch=


It's officially Summer! For years, we've offered a 25-week Summer CSA share full of delicious, fresh produce. We missed everyone over the winter so we started offering a 25-week Winter CSA a few years ago. In 2020, we moved to a year-round model with our CSA subscriptions including automatic renewal and unlimited vacation holds. The residual start of the "Summer CSA" is when we set a goal for ourselves to have all the items in the box from Mountain Bounty Farm from now until Thanksgiving. We hope you enjoy the bounty!


  • Red Russian Kale

  • Spinach

  • Red Beets

  • Lettuce

  • Broccolini/Broccoli

  • Radishes

  • Sugar Snap Peas

  • Cilantro

  • Chives


  • Red Russian Kale

  • Spinach

  • Red Beets

  • Lettuce

  • Broccoli

  • Bok Choi

  • Zucchini

SEASONAL FLOWER SHARES: (provided by Little Boy Flowers)

This is the second week of the PEONY Flower Share. The Early Spring Flower share ended two weeks ago. The Peony Shares are a separate subscription and continue for 4 weeks. Please double-check the delivery list to confirm you are signed up for these shares before taking a bouquet.


Spinach Pie

Balsamic Marinated Beets 

Charred Broccoli Salad with Dates, Almonds, and Cheddar

Spicy Sauteed Sesame Garlic Broccolini

Sugar Snap Pea Tempura 

Spring Cobb Salad with Green Goddess Dressing(snap peas, radishes, scallions, cilantro)

Mountain Bounty Farm

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CSA Newsletter Week 20/52

Week 20/52 of 2021 

Dear Farm Members, 

This week’s box is the poster child of spring/summer CSA shares, with salad turnips, stir fry greens, kale, and kohlrabi in the mix! These veggies often come with a bit of a reputation - folks just aren’t entirely sure how to integrate them into their cooking, or are, perhaps, still learning to love. As a result, several of them have become choice treats that we grow in rather limited quantities over the course of each season. Kohlrabi and salad turnips in particular are easy to grow, quick to harvest, and delicious on the plate - perfect for planting back when the air still had some chill to it. Both are rather sweet and mild, with that slight hint of mustard that’s a hallmark of vegetables in this family, and are delicious raw, steamed, and/or roasted. Enjoy them while they’re here! We’ve included plenty of recipes below, and are, as always, here to offer inspiration if you need it. Happy eating!




  • Dino Kale (Mountain Bounty Farm)

  • Scallions (Mountain Bounty Farm)

  • Lettuce (Mountain Bounty Farm)

  • Stir Fry (Mountain Bounty Farm)

  • Kohlrabi (Mountain Bounty Farm)

  • Turnips (Mountain Bounty Farm)

  • Dill (Mountain Bounty Farm)

  • Baby Bok Choi (Mountain Bounty Farm)

  • Zucchini (Mountain Bounty Farm)

  • Broccoli/Garlic Scapes (Mountain Bounty Farm)


  • Dino Kale (Mountain Bounty Farm)

  • Scallions (Mountain Bounty Farm)

  • Lettuce (Mountain Bounty Farm)

  • Stir Fry (Mountain Bounty Farm)

  • Kohlrabi (Mountain Bounty Farm)

  • Turnips (Mountain Bounty Farm)

  • Dill (Mountain Bounty Farm)

SEASONAL FLOWER SHARES: (provided by Little Boy Flowers)

This is the second week of the PEONY Flower Share. The Early Spring Flower share ended two weeks ago. The Peony Shares are a separate subscription and continue for 4 weeks. Please double-check the delivery list to confirm you are signed up for these shares before taking a bouquet.


Crispy Apple and Kohlrabi Salad

Kohlrabi Fritters

Baked Kohlrabi Fries with Roasted Garlic Aioli

Pasta with Turnips, Sausage, and Greens

Thai Kale Salad with Sesame Polenta Croutons

Scallion Dill Sauce

Stir-Fried Asian Greens with Chilies and Garlic

Mountain Bounty Farm

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CSA Newsletter Week 19/52

Week 19/52 of 2021 

Our delivery day in Western Nevada County changes to Tuesday for all shares (fruit, flowers, and vegetables) starting next week, Tuesday, May 18th! We make this change to ensure you receive the freshest possible produce.

Dear Farm Members,

This past week we transplanted bed upon bed of cucumbers, tomatoes, and basil, and dreamed of a future full of gazpacho as far as the eye can see. While we wait, our spring fields have so much to offer - everything growing in leaps and bounds until you blink... and then there it is on your plate! Farming is, as always, an unending series of tiny miracles. Your boxes this week will feature even more items from our home fields as we creep closer to the main season. Happy eating! 




  • Lettuce (Mountain Bounty Farm)

  • Chard (Mountain Bounty Farm)

  • Arugula (Mountain Bounty Farm)

  • Ruby Streaks Mustard Greens (Mountain Bounty Farm)

  • Cilantro (Mountain Bounty Farm)

  • Carrots (Super Tuber Farm)

  • Asparagus (Durst Organic Growers)

  • Super Snap Peas (Durst Organic Growers)

  • Onions (Terra Firma Farm)


  • Lettuce (Mountain Bounty Farm)

  • Chard (Mountain Bounty Farm)

  • Ruby Streaks (Mountain Bounty Farm)

  • Cilantro (Mountain Bounty Farm)

  • Asparagus (Durst Organic Growers)

  • Onions (Terra Firma Farm)

SEASONAL FLOWER SHARES: (provided by Little Boy Flowers)

This is the first week of the PEONY Flower Share. The Early Spring Flower share ended last week. The Peony Shares are a separate subscription and continue for 4 weeks. Please double-check the delivery list to confirm you are signed up for these shares before taking a bouquet.


Rice Nests with Roasted Spicy Greens (Ruby Streaks)

Seared Salmon with Snap Pea Puree (Snap Peas)

Green Shakshuka (Cilantro, Chard)

Grilled Asparagus Salad with Lemon and Feta (Lettuce, Asparagus)

Crostini with Ricotta, Sugar Snap Peas, and Mint (Snap Peas)

Mountain Bounty Farm

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CSA Newsletter Week 18/52

Week 18/52 of 2021 

Dear Farm Members,

We’re feeling super proud of ourselves this week with so many Mountain Bounty vegetables going into the box. These first offerings of spring greens - kale, spinach, lettuce, arugula, and more - are especially tender at this time of year, perfect for eating fresh. We’ve officially entered peak salad season, best celebrated with the ELS (extremely large salad) of your choice.  Bonus points to those who prepare their dressings ahead of time to use throughout the week! For inspiration, try The Department of Salad or chef Samin Nosrat’s incredible salad checklist.

    We attended our very first downtown Nevada City farmers’ market of the season on Saturday, and are excited to be back. Come visit us the first two Saturdays of every month and say ‘hi’ to our farmers - we’ll see you there! 




  • Red Russian Kale (Mountain Bounty Farm)

  • Radishes (Mountain Bounty Farm)

  • Lettuce (Mountain Bounty Farm)

  • Spinach (Mountain Bounty Farm)

  • Carrots (Super Tuber)

  • Artichokes (Coke Farm)

  • Broccoli (Coke Farm)

  • Cabbage (Pinnacle)

  • Cilantro (Coke Farm)


  • Red Russian Kale (Mountain Bounty Farm)

  • Radishes (Mountain Bounty Farm)

  • Lettuce (Full Belly Farm)

  • Spinach (Mountain Bounty Farm)

  • Carrots (Super Tuber)

  • Broccoli (Coke Farm)

Summer Fruit Shares start June 1st/3rd and are available now!

You must renew for the Summer Fruit Share, regardless of subscription type. There is no rollover between fruit seasons. Hurry, these shares will sell out soon!

SEASONAL FLOWER SHARES: (provided by Little Boy Flowers)

This is the 8th and FINAL week of the Early Spring Flower shares. Please double-check the delivery list to confirm you are signed up for these shares before taking a bouquet. 


Carrot Miso Ginger Dressing (Carrots)

Southwestern Kale Power Salad (Kale, Cilantro)

Grilled Marinated Artichokes (Artichokes)

Broccoli Rubble Farro Salad (Broccoli)

Spinach Salad with Blue Cheese Dressing (Spinach, substitute radishes for cucumber)

Red Radish Crostini (Radishes)

Mountain Bounty Farm

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CSA Newsletter Week 17/52

Week 17/52 of 2021 

Greetings Farm Friends,

This week brings some much-needed rain to the foothills! With the last few weeks of hot and dry weather, we've begun our usual musings around how quickly spring escapes us. Northern California has received half our normal precipitation this year and we're entering the fourth driest year on record. While climate change is real and affecting so many aspects of our lives, we're focusing on the little joys this week. We'll be harvesting the first of the spring crops that we direct seeded at the end of March. First up, Mountain Bounty Arugula! A delicious and spicy treat. And many more spring goodies to come soon. Here's to hoping you enjoy the rains respite and find the little joys this week.


Reminder: Our delivery day in Western Nevada County changes to Tuesday starting May 18th!



  • Arugula (Mountain Bounty Farm)

  • Artichokes (Coke Farm)

  • Golden Beets (Coke Farm)

  • Asparagus (Full Belly)

  • Lettuce (Full Belly)

  • Collards (Full Belly)

  • Spring onions (Riverdog)

  • Snap Peas (Pinnacle)

  • Parsley (Pinnacle)


  • Arugula (Mountain Bounty Farm)

  • Artichokes (Coke Farm)

  • Golden Beets (Coke Farm)

  • Asparagus (Full Belly)

  • Lettuce (Full Belly)

  • Parsley (Pinnacle)

Summer Fruit Shares start June 1st/3rd and are available now!

You must renew for the Summer Fruit Share, regardless of subscription type. There is no rollover between fruit seasons. Hurry, these shares will sell out soon!

SEASONAL FLOWER SHARES: (provided by Little Boy Flowers)

This is the 7th week of the Early Spring Flower shares. Please double-check the delivery list to confirm you are signed up for these shares before taking a bouquet. 


Sautéed Asparagus and Snap Peas

Mountain Bounty Farm

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CSA Newsletter Week 16/52

Week 16/52 of 2021 

Dear Farm Members,

Warm temperatures and little rain has transformed what once felt like a late spring into an early summer up here on the San Juan Ridge. Along the roads and all around our fields, trees are blooming synchronously, and the ancient oak that sits at the heart of the farm has leafed out once again. We’ve begun to remove some of the floating fabric row cover that blankets most of our fields, revealing thousands of plants that aren’t nearly as tiny as they used to be - future food for the masses! Recent days have been spent working on the usual tasks and projects, and, most importantly, contending with the millions of weeds that lie in wait atop every freshly planted bed. What a privilege to spend these days outside in the middle of so much goodness. April! Spring! Onward and upward! 




  • Artichokes (Coke Farm)

  • Snap peas (Coke Farm)

  • Broccoli (Coke Farm)

  • Cilantro (Coke Farm)

  • Romaine Lettuce (Full Belly Farm)

  • Carrots (Terra Firma)

  • Spinach (Terra Firma)

  • Spring onions (Riverdog)

  • Kale (Riverdog)


  • Artichokes (Coke Farm)

  • Snap peas (Coke Farm)

  • Cilantro (Coke Farm)

  • Romaine Lettuce (Full Belly Farm)

  • Carrots (Terra Firma)

  • Spring onions (Riverdog)

Summer Fruit Shares start June 1st/3rd and are available now!

You must renew for the Summer Fruit Share, regardless of subscription type. There is no rollover between fruit seasons. Hurry, these shares will sell out soon!

SEASONAL FLOWER SHARES: (provided by Little Boy Flowers)

This is the 6th week of the Early Spring Flower shares. Please double-check the delivery list to confirm you are signed up for these shares before taking a bouquet. 


Steamed Artichokes with Magic Dipping Sauce

Green Rice

Roasted Broccoli Pasta Carbonara with Prosciutto and Whipped Ricotta

Snap Pea Salad

Sugar Snap Pea and Carrot Soba Noodles

Saag Paneer

We're hiring! If you, or anyone you know, are interested in part-time farming fieldwork this season, please reach out to us. More information: https://mountainbountyfarm.com/joinourteam

Mountain Bounty Farm

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CSA Newsletter Week 15/52

Week 15/52 of 2021 

Dear Farm Members,

This week we’ll be harvesting Mountain Bounty green garlic for your boxes and we couldn’t be more excited! Way back in October, we planted two extra beds full of tiny garlic cloves that didn’t quite make the cut for our main planting. The intent was to harvest these early as green garlic, giving us an item to put in your boxes during this tricky in-between time when almost all of the produce comes from our partner farms. In the beginning, when the biggest among them resembled a blade of grass, it was hard to imagine a future where we’d be pulling up green garlic bunches by the armload. But without much fuss, the garlic worked the same miracle it does every year, tolerating a season where not much else grows, and here we are. This isn’t the first time you’ve received green garlic in your boxes this season, but let’s go over the basics anyways. Green garlic is immature garlic, with a lighter, slightly more mild flavor. It’s fantastic in salad dressings, pesto, risotto, or anywhere you’d typically use regular garlic. Green garlic is only available for a brief moment every season, so love and enjoy it for what it is... a true spring treat! 




  • Green Garlic (Mountain Bounty Farm)

  • Carrots (Super Tuber)

  • Salad Turnips (Full Belly Farm)

  • Arugula (Riverdog)

  • Asparagus (Durst Organic Growers)

  • Kale

  • Sweet Potatoes (Atwater Farm)

  • Lettuce (Pinnacle)

  • Fennel (Pinnacle)

  • Broccoli (Coke Farm)


  • Green Garlic (Mountain Bounty Farm)

  • Carrots (Super Tuber)

  • Salad Turnips (Full Belly Farm)

  • Kale

  • Sweet Potatoes (Atwater Farm)

  • Lettuce (Pinnacle)

  • Fennel (Pinnacle)

Summer Fruit Shares start June 1st/3rd and are available now!

You must renew for the Summer Fruit Share, regardless of subscription type. There is no rollover between fruit seasons.

SEASONAL FLOWER SHARES: (provided by Little Boy Flowers)

This is the 5th week of the Early Spring Flower shares. Please double-check the delivery list to confirm you are signed up for these shares before taking a bouquet. 

Peony shares are also available for four weeks starting mid-May. In these shares, you will receive generous bunches of peonies which will fill your house with their amazing fragrance and long-lasting blooms. Join today!


Green Garlic Bread (Green Garlic)

Green Garlic Pesto with Jammy Eggs and Radishes (Green Garlic)

Chicken Lettuce Wraps (Lettuce, Spring Onions)

Roasted Fennel and White Beans (Fennel)

Pickled Turnip Salad (Salad Turnips)

We're hiring! If you, or anyone you know, are interested in part-time farming field work this season, please reach out to us. More information: https://mountainbountyfarm.com/joinourteam

Mountain Bounty Farm

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CSA Newsletter Week 14/52

Week 14/52 of 2021 

Dear Farm Members,

This past week our crew welcomed four very shiny new interns into our midst, marking the start of our 7-month farm internship program and ‘main’ growing season of farming. These intrepid folks come from all over the country and possess a variety of backgrounds and experiences. They give us a huge boost of fresh energy and enthusiasm right when we need it, and we’re incredibly lucky to have them! Over the following months, we’ll teach them everything we can about farming and the art of growing good vegetables, and in the process, they’ll shape the year into something wholly new. This week, with their help, we were able to plant acres of onions, potatoes, tomatoes, and spring brassicas, build two of our massive high tunnels, graft tomatoes, and get a monumental amount of clearing and fieldwork done. Cheers to many hands and new beginnings!




  • Butter lettuce (Pinnacle)

  • Radishes (Pinnacle)

  • Asparagus (Durst Organic Growers)

  • Spinach (Terra Firma)

  • Cauliflower (Coke Farm)

  • Beets (Coke Farm)

  • Dill (Coke Farm)

  • Chard (Coke Farm)

  • Spring onions (Full Belly Farm)

  • Red butter lettuce (Full Belly Farm)


  • Butter lettuce (Pinnacle)

  • Radishes (Pinnacle)

  • Asparagus (Durst Organic Growers)

  • Spinach (Terra Firma)

  • Cauliflower (Coke Farm)

  • Dill (Coke Farm)

  • Chard (Coke Farm)

The Winter Fruit Share ended last week. There are NO fruit deliveries this week.

Summer Fruit Shares start June 1st/3rd and are available now!

You must renew for the Summer Fruit Share, regardless of subscription type. There is no rollover between fruit seasons.

SEASONAL FLOWER SHARES: (provided by Little Boy Flowers)

Early Spring Flower shares continue this week.  These shares are 8 weeks and feature spring blooms from poppies and anemones to tulips and ranunculus.

Peony shares are also available for four weeks starting mid-May. In these shares, you will receive generous bunches of peonies which will fill your house with their amazing fragrance and long-lasting blooms. Join today!


Asparagus Quiche (Asparagus)

Asparagus with Chorizo and Croutons (Asparagus)

Chilled Beet, Lemon, and Yogurt Soup (Beets)

Zesty Cauliflower Salad (Cauliflower, Dill)

Radish Toast Two Ways(Radishes)

Mountain Bounty Farm

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CSA Newsletter Week 13/52

Week 13/52 of 2021 

Dear Farm Members,

The farm crew has been working away over the last couple of weeks to do everything on our yard-long to-do list all at once.  On Thursday, with a couple of acres planted in spring and summer vegetables at long last, we all breathed a unanimous sigh of relief and raced on to the next task. Spring on the farm is always a sprint of sorts, that we welcome graciously after a whole lot of waiting. When it rains, it pours! Here’s hoping you’re all enjoying this beautiful weather, and soaking up spring at every turn. 




  • Asparagus (Durst Organic Growers)

  • Romaine Lettuce (Pinnacle)

  • Red Russian Kale (Riverdog)

  • Bok Choy (Coke Farm)

  • Carrots (Super Tuber Farm)

  • Broccoli (Coke Farm)

  • Cilantro (Coke Farm)

  • Red Oak Lettuce (Full Belly Farm)

  • Red Onions (Pinnacle)

  • Celery (Pinnacle)


  • Asparagus (Durst Organic Growers)

  • Romaine Lettuce (Pinnacle)

  • Red Russian Kale (Riverdog)

  • Carrots (Super Tuber Farm)

  • Broccoli (Coke Farm)

  • Cilantro (Coke Farm)

  • Red Onions (Pinnacle)

WINTER FRUIT SHARE: (provided by Sunset Ridge Fine Fruits in Newcastle, CA)

This is the FINAL delivery of the Winter Fruit Share. 

Summer Fruit Shares start June 1st/3rd and are available now!

You must renew for the Summer Fruit Share, regardless of subscription type. There is no rollover between seasons.

SEASONAL FLOWER SHARES: (provided by Little Boy Flowers)

Early Spring Flower shares continue this week.  These shares are 8 weeks and feature spring blooms from poppies and anemones to tulips and ranunculus.

Peony shares are also available for four weeks starting mid-May. In these shares, you will receive generous bunches of peonies which will fill your house with their amazing fragrance and long-lasting blooms. Join today!


Mushroom and Celery Risotto (Celery, Red Onion)

Grilled Asparagus Pizza with Gremolata (Asparagus)

Spring Asparagus Pancetta Hash (Asparagus)

Lemon Parmesan Asparagus (Asparagus)

Easy Kale Salad with Lemon Dressing (Kale, Broccoli, Carrot, Red Onion)

Stir-Fried Sesame Baby Bok Choy (Bok Choy)

Mountain Bounty Farm

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CSA Newsletter Week 12/52

Week 12/52 of 2021 

Dear Farm Members,

This past Saturday marked the vernal, or ‘spring’ equinox - one of two moments each year when the sun sits directly above the equator, giving us a day and night that are approximately equal. From this point on, our days will grow longer in leaps and bounds, prompting explosive, exponential growth in the natural world around us. It’s a shift, a tentative marker of spring, that heralds the long awaited return of warmth and light. Sooner than later our fields will be full and we’ll be up to our ears in vegetables! We hope this next week finds you soaking up a bit of that extra sunlight. Happy spring!




  • Sunflower shoots- Natural Trading Company 

  • Leeks- Riverdog 

  • Arugula- Riverdog 

  • Collards- Coke Farm

  • Green Leaf lettuce- Pinnacle/ Riverdog

  • Butter lettuce- Pinnacle 

  • Beets- Riverdog

  • Cauliflower- Coke Farm

  • Carrots- Super Tuber Farm

  • Green garlic- Flying V Farm 


  • Sunflower shoots- Natural Trading Company 

  • Leeks- Riverdog 

  • Arugula- Riverdog 

  • Collards- Coke Farm

  • Green leaf lettuce- Pinnacle

  • Beets- Riverdog

  • Carrots- Super Tuber Farm

WINTER FRUIT SHARE: (provided by Sunset Ridge Fine Fruits in Newcastle, CA)

  • Cara Cara Pink Navels (Lee Family Farms)

  • Star Ruby Grapefruit (Lee Family Farms)

  • Gold Nugget Mandarins (Lee Family Farms)

Winter Fruit Shares end March 31st/April 1st

Summer Fruit Shares start June 2nd/3rd and are available now!

You must renew for the Summer Fruit Share, regardless of subscription type. There is no rollover between seasons.

SEASONAL FLOWER SHARES: (provided by Little Boy Flowers)

Early Spring Flower shares continue this week.  These shares are 8 weeks and feature spring blooms from poppies and anemones to tulips and ranunculus.

Each bouquet is wrapped in brown paper and there are usually 4 bouquets in each plastic bucket at the site. Please only take one bouquet and double check the delivery list!

For long-lasting blooms, fill a large vase with lukewarm water as soon as you get them home, re-cut the stems, and put them in the vase. Keep your vase clean, and re-cut the flowers often. The more often you re-cut them, the longer they will last. Remember to keep them out of the sun!

Peony shares are also available for four weeks starting mid-May. In these shares, you will receive generous bunches of peonies which will fill your house with their amazing fragrance and long-lasting blooms. Join today!


Cauliflower Cake (Cauliflower)

Charred Cauliflower Quesadillas (Cauliflower)

Mushroom and Arugula Pizza (Arugula, Green Garlic)

Green Garlic Vinaigrette (Green Garlic)

Roasted Carrot, Beet, and Lentil Bowl (try adding arugula or sunflower shoots on top!) (Carrots, Beets)

Collard Miso Soup (Collard Greens)

Mountain Bounty Farm

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CSA Newsletter Week 11/52

Week 11/52 of 2021 

Dear Farm Members,

This week we’re moving right along - there’s something to do around every corner, and the beehive is buzzing! If you drive by our fields on Birchville Rd., you’ll be able to see this year’s farm beginning to take shape - what currently looks like merely a series of brown rectangles will soon be our very first plantings of peas, radishes, broccoli, kohlrabi, cabbage, lettuce, fennel, onions, and potatoes. Your boxes this week come to you complete with more of the usual late winter/early spring treats - enjoy!




  • Red Butter Lettuce (Terra Firma)

  • Brussel Sprouts (Coke Farm)

  • Radishes (Pinnacle)

  • Red Potatoes (Coke Farm)

  • Green Cabbage (Super Tuber)

  • Red Russian Kale (Riverdog)

  • Onions (Pinnacle)

  • Carrots (Super Tuber)

  • Spinach (Riverdog)

  • Cilantro (Coke Farm)


  • Red Butter Lettuce (Terra Firma)

  • Red Potatoes (Coke Farm)

  • Green Cabbage (Coke Farm)

  • Red Russian Kale (Riverdog)

  • Onions (Pinnacle)

  • Carrots (Super Tuber)

  • Radishes (Pinnacle)

WINTER FRUIT SHARE: (provided by Sunset Ridge Fine Fruits in Newcastle, CA)

Winter Fruit Shares end March 31st/April 1st

Summer Fruit Shares start June 2nd/3rd and are available now!

You must renew for the Summer Fruit Share, regardless of subscription type. There is no rollover between seasons.

SEASONAL FLOWER SHARES: (provided by Little Boy Flowers)

Early Spring Flower shares will start this week, March 17th/18th!  These shares are 8 weeks and feature spring blooms from poppies and anemones to tulips and ranunculus.

Each bouquet is wrapped in brown paper and there are usually 4 bouquets in each plastic bucket at the site. Please only take one bouquet! 

For long-lasting blooms, fill a large vase with lukewarm water as soon as you get them home, re-cut the stems, and put them in the vase. Keep your vase clean, and re-cut the flowers often. The more often you re-cut them, the longer they will last. Remember to keep them out of the sun!

Peony shares are also available for four weeks starting mid-May. In these shares, you will receive generous bunches of peonies which will fill your house with their amazing fragrance and long-lasting blooms. Join today!


Brussels Sprouts and Sausage Quiche with Almond Crust (Brussels Sprouts)

Skillet Ravioli with Spinach (Spinach)

Cabbage and Carrot Salad with Peanut Dressing (Cabbage, Carrots)

Butter-Braised Cabbage (Cabbage)

Kale Salad with Grilled Chicken and Dijon Tahini Dressing (Kale, Radishes, Onion)

Mountain Bounty Farm

Member Dashboard | Current Members | Pickup Site Information | Facebook | Instagram 

CSA Newsletter Week 10/52

Week 10/52 of 2021 

Dear Farm Members,

It’s certainly been busy out here lately, with all the momentum of spring quickly marching us forward. In just three short weeks, we’ll be joined by a shiny new cohort of interns and just like that, we’re off and running! It’s an exciting time of year, when potential energy is high and the opportunity of another season seems to offer unlimited inspiration, despite the finish line just recently behind us. What can I say - farming just never seems to get old. Here’s hoping this week brings plenty of rain, and the rest we all need to keep moving. Happy eating!




  • Dino Kale (Pinnacle)

  • Lettuce (Full Belly Farm)

  • Dandelion Greens (Coke Farm)

  • Carrots (Super Tuber Farm)

  • Leeks (Riverdog Farm)

  • Broccoli (Coke Farm)

  • Stir Fry Mix (Riverdog)

  • Parsley (Pinnacle)

  • Spring Onions (Coke Farm)

  • Sweet Potatoes (Atwater)


  • Chard (Full Belly Farm)

  • Lettuce (Full Belly Farm)

  • Carrots (Super Tuber Farm)

  • Stir Fry Mix (Riverdog)

  • Parsley (Pinnacle)

  • Spring Onions (Coke Farm)

  • Sweet Potatoes (Atwater)

WINTER FRUIT SHARE: (provided by Sunset Ridge Fine Fruits in Newcastle, CA)

  • Cara Cara Pink Navels (Lee Family Farms)

  • Star Ruby Grapefruit (Lee Family Farms)

  • Tango Mandarins (Sunset Ridge Fine Fruits)

Winter Fruit Shares end March 31st/April 1st

Summer Fruit Shares start June 2nd/3rd and are available now!

You must renew for the Summer Fruit Share, regardless of subscription type. There is no rollover between seasons.

SEASONAL FLOWER SHARES: (provided by Little Boy Flowers)

Early Spring Flower shares will start next week, March 17th/18th!  These shares are 8 weeks and feature spring blooms from poppies and anemones to tulips and ranunculus.

Peony shares are also available for four weeks starting mid-May. In these shares, you will receive generous bunches of peonies which will fill your house with their amazing fragrance and long-lasting blooms.  Join today!


This week we’ve decided to give you the gift of dandelion greens. They’re a bitter green and can be used and prepared similarly to escarole or radicchio. Not a lover of deliciously bitter vegetables? Never fear! Cooking the greens tempers the bite. As an added bonus, they’re extremely nutritious - check out this article from Bon Appetit for more details.

Pasta with Dandelion Greens, Garlic, and Pine Nuts

Dandelion Leek Frittata

Dandelion, Date, Blue Cheese Salad with Brown Butter Croutons

Simple Dandelion Greens Salad

Carrot Cake Pancakes

Twice-Baked Sweet Potatoes

Lentil, Mushroom, and Kale Stew

Mountain Bounty Farm

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CSA Newsletter Week 9/52

Week 9/52 of 2021 

Dear Farm Members,

All this sunny weather means a busy week mowing and preparing field space, raising caterpillar tunnels (hopefully!), and preparing for the first plantings of the season. Executing these tasks is all about timing - working with the ebb and flow of ephemeral spring weather to get plants in the ground as early as possible. The sooner we’re able to get planting, the sooner we’ll be back to harvesting produce from our own fields to share with all of you. Up first are spring onions, and our very first round of tomatoes, a reminder that summer with all of its energy and momentum is closer than it may seem. Enjoy your boxes this week, and wish us luck! 




  • Lettuce (Full Belly Farm)

  • Chard (Full Belly Farm)

  • Beets (Terra Firma)

  • Spring Broccoli (Mountain Bounty Farm)

  • Potatoes (Super Tuber Farm/ Coke Farm)

  • Cilantro (Coke Farm)

  • Red Cabbage (Super Tuber Farm)

  • Purple Turnips (Riverdog)

  • Onions (Pinnacle)

  • Shallots (Pinnacle)


  • Lettuce (Full Belly Farm)

  • Beets (Terra Firma)

  • Purple Turnips (Riverdog)

  • Potatoes (Super Tuber Farm/Coke Farm)

  • Cilantro (Coke Farm)

  • Red Cabbage (Super Tuber Farm)

  • Onions (Pinnacle)

Our Vegetable Shares are currently sold out to the public. Don't panic!  All current members will be able to renew their subscriptions. If you've paid for 25 deliveries, we'll email you when you have 6 deliveries remaining in order to renew through the Member Dashboard.

WINTER FRUIT SHARE: (provided by Sunset Ridge Fine Fruits in Newcastle, CA)

  • Gold Nugget Mandarins

  • Cara Cara Pink Navels

  • Star Ruby Grapefruit

Winter Fruit Shares run until March 31st/April 1st

Summer Fruit Shares start June 2nd/3rd and are available now!

You must renew for the Summer Fruit Share, regardless of subscription type. There is no rollover between seasons.

The Summer Fruit Share did sell out last year, so sign up soon if you're interested!

SEASONAL FLOWER SHARES: (provided by Little Boy Flowers)

Early Spring Flower shares are available now!  These shares are 8 weeks starting in mid-March and feature spring blooms from poppies and anemones to tulips and ranunculus.

This year our partner farm Little Boy Flowers will also be offering a peony share for four weeks starting mid-May. In these shares, you will receive generous bunches of peonies which will fill your house with their amazing fragrance and long-lasting blooms. These shares will surely be a favorite.

Join today!


Beet Hummus

Root Vegetable Tarte Tatin

Crispy Black Bean Tacos with Feta and Cabbage Slaw

Swiss Chard Chimichurri

Miso-Glazed Turnips

Mountain Bounty Farm

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CSA Newsletter Week 8/52

Week 8/52 of 2021 

Dear Farm Members,

On Thursday, a small-but-mighty crew of six began raising the arches on our brand new greenhouse. The outcome of this larger-than-life task, a giant metal ribcage set against the sky, is the first of many steps in transitioning the bulk of the farm operation to our Birchville farm site. When completed, the new greenhouse will allow us to comfortably house far more baby plants than our current space, which we outgrew long ago. More of a mansion than a ‘house’, really, and an exciting sign of the times. Our partnership with the ‘Forever Farms’ program has truly revolutionized the future of growing food at Mountain Bounty, and we are ever-grateful for it. There’ll be lots of big changes up ahead for us this spring, and we’re excited for the opportunity to improve, expand, and grow more amazing vegetables than ever - a bright future to look forward to during this beautiful, sunny week!




  • Pea Shoots (Natural Trading Company)

  • Red Butter Lettuce (Pinnacle)

  • Spinach (Riverdog)

  • Celery (Coke Farm)

  • Butternut Squash (Terra Firma)

  • Radish (Pinnacle)

  • Collards (Coke Farm)

  • Broccoli (Coke Farm)

  • Red Onions (Pinnacle)

  • Carrots (Super Tuber Farm)


  • Pea Shoots (Natural Trading Company)

  • Red Butter Lettuce (Pinnacle)

  • Butternut Squash (Terra Firma)

  • Radish (Pinnacle)

  • Collards (Coke Farm)

  • Broccoli (Coke Farm)

  • Red Onions (Pinnacle)

WINTER FRUIT SHARE: (provided by Sunset Ridge Fine Fruits in Newcastle, CA)

  • Ruby Star Grapefruit (Lee Family Farms)

  • Washington Navels (Lee Family Farms)

  • Cara Cara Pink Navels (Lee Family Farms)

Winter Fruit Shares run until March 31st/April 1st. Summer Fruit Shares start in June and will be available soon!

SEASONAL FLOWER SHARES: (provided by Little Boy Flowers)

Early Spring Flower shares are available now!  These shares are 8 weeks starting in mid-March and feature spring blooms from poppies and anemones to tulips and ranunculus.

This year our partner farm Little Boy Flowers will also be offering a peony share for four weeks starting mid-May. In these shares, you will receive generous bunches of peonies which will fill your house with their amazing fragrance and long-lasting blooms. These shares will surely be a favorite.

Join today!


Butternut Squash Gnocchi with Brown Butter, Sage, and Walnuts (Butternut Squash)

Creamy Butternut Squash Pasta (Butternut Squash, Red Onion)

Spring Toast with Radishes, Pea Shoots, and Feta (Radishes, Pea Shoots)

Braised Celery with Lentils and Garlic (Celery)

Marinated Beans with Celery and Ricotta Salata (Celery)

Collard Wraps with Peanut Sauce(Collard Greens, Carrots, Pea Shoots, Radishes)

FSA (Farm Service Announcement)

Don't forget to return your wax boxes each week! Squeeze to open at the seams. We reuse the fruit bags too!

Mountain Bounty Farm

Member Dashboard | Current Members | Pickup Site Information | Facebook | Instagram 

CSA Newsletter Week 7/52 - February 17/18

Week 7/52 of 2021 

Dear Farm Members,

My question for you all this week; does everyone really still dislike fennel? Before moving here to farm in 2017, my only understanding of fennel was that it was a vegetable that I did not buy, and therefore a vegetable that I certainly would not grow. I’d eaten it a grand total of... one time (I know, shocking), in an italian wedding soup lovingly crafted by a fennel-savvy companion. Hindsight 20/20, I just didn’t realize exactly what I was missing out on. 

Growing the diversity of vegetables that we do for a CSA of this scale means that there’s a place for almost everything, novelty and staple alike, all in their own time. Fennel, to my knowledge, has mostly fallen into the category of ‘novelty item’. Over the years, we’ve gotten a lot of feedback that folks either don’t like it or just don’t  know what to do with it. So we play it cool and tone it down, sneaking it in every once in a while, alternating between boxes, hoping to gradually indoctrinate hordes of unsuspecting CSA members one season at a time. A couple years ago, we even grew fennel for Sierra Harvest’s “Harvest of the Month” program.  Mountain Bounty fennel was distributed to classrooms across the county for students to taste, which we all thought felt like Real Progress. 

So is it working? Are all of you finding a way to let fennel into your hearts? Personally, I love fennel, and I don’t really get all the hype. There’s the licorice-y flavor, but it’s mild and sweet, and honestly, part of the draw. It’s versatile, and you can eat it raw, roasted, caramelized, even pickled. It keeps well in the fridge, so you can go ahead and ignore it for a little if you want- so forgiving! And it’s a champion in the field, an ‘umbelliferae’, not much of a rabble-rouser, eventually producing an umbrella-shaped inflorescence that beneficial bugs and pollinators love.

Do you love fennel? Want to see more of it in your boxes? Let us know! And if not, don’t sweat it. We’re happy to be your official fennel support system. 

Your boxes this week are making their way to you packed with loads of amazing winter vegetables, and even a little bit of fennel (regular box only, but don’t worry small box-ers, you’ll get your chance!). We hope you’re all enjoying the good-ness this season has to offer, soaking up rainy days, and keeping your bellies full. See you next week!




  • Romanesco (Pinnacle)

  • Dino Kale (Pinnacle)

  • Broccoli (Riverdog)

  • Arugula (Riverdog)

  • Lettuce (Pinnacle)

  • Leeks (Full Belly Farm)

  • Carrots (Super Tuber Farm)

  • Parsley (Fog Dog Farm)

  • Fennel (Coke Farm)

  • Spring Onions (Coke Farm)


  • Romanesco (Pinnacle)

  • Broccoli (Riverdog)

  • Arugula (Riverdog)

  • Lettuce (Pinnacle)

  • Carrots (Super Tuber Farm)

  • Parsley (Fog Dog Farm)

  • Spring Onions (Coke Farm)

WINTER FRUIT SHARE: (provided by Sunset Ridge Fine Fruits in Newcastle, CA)

Winter Fruit Shares run until March 31st/April 1st. Summer Fruit Shares start in June and will be available soon!

SEASONAL FLOWER SHARES: (provided by Little Boy Flowers)

Early Spring Flower shares are available now!  These shares are 8 weeks starting in mid-March and feature spring blooms from poppies and anemones to tulips and ranunculus.

This year our partner farm Little Boy Flowers will also be offering a peony share for four weeks starting mid May. In these shares you will receive generous bunches of peonies which will fill your house with their amazing fragrance and long lasting blooms. These shares will surely be a favorite.

Join today!


Warm Cheesy Garlic and Kale Dip (Kale)

Savory Parmesan-Fennel Italian Wedding Soup (Fennel, Parsley, Leeks, Spring Onions)

Shaved Fennel Salad with Croutons and Walnuts (Fennel)

Caramelized Fennel - the Best Fennel You'll Ever Eat (Fennel)

Roasted Romanesco with Brown Butter Toasted Panko (Romanesco, Parsley)

Whole Wheat Lemon Roasted Broccoli Pizza (Broccoli, substitute Arugula Pesto for regular pesto)

Roasted Carrots with Cumin Yogurt (Carrots)

FSA (Farm Service Announcement)

Don't forget to return your wax boxes each week! Squeeze to open at the seams!

Mountain Bounty Farm

Member Dashboard | Current Members | Pickup Site Information | Facebook | Instagram 

CSA Newsletter Week 6/52

Week 6/52 of 2021 

Dear Farm Members, 

I hope you’ve all enjoyed this past week of glorious, sunny days. In greenhouse and field, all of the growing things - tiny seedlings, cover crop, some very cute tomato plants, etc. - have been savoring the extra light and warmth just as much as the rest of us. With rain on the way this week, we’ll be back to our regular February programming, and grateful for it. There are so many bodies of water out there that need filling right now, mountains in need of snow pack, and a whole lot of frogs that need something to sing about. Enjoy your boxes this week, and cross your fingers that when it rains, it pours!




  • Carrots (Mountain Bounty Farm)

  • Fingerling Potatoes (Super Tuber Farm)

  • Napa Cabbage (Riverdog Farm)

  • Lettuce (Riverdog Farm)

  • Cilantro (Full Belly Farm)

  • Baby Bok Choi (Full Belly Farm)

  • Salad Turnips (Full Belly Farm)

  • Red Beets (Terra Firma)

  • Rainbow Chard (Coke Farm)

  • Onions (Pinnacle)


  • Fingerling Potatoes (Super Tuber Farm)

  • Napa Cabbage (Riverdog Farm)

  • Lettuce (Riverdog Farm)

  • Cilantro (Full Belly Farm)

  • Red Beets (Terra Firma)

  • Rainbow Chard (Coke Farm)

  • Onions (Pinnacle)

WINTER FRUIT SHARE: (provided by Sunset Ridge Fine Fruits in Newcastle, CA)

Winter Fruit Shares run until March 31st/April 1st.

SEASONAL FLOWER SHARES: (provided by Little Boy Flowers)

Early Spring Flower shares are available now!  These shares are 8 weeks starting in mid-March and feature spring blooms from poppies and anemones to tulips and ranunculus.

This year our partner farm Little Boy Flowers will also be offering a peony share for four weeks starting mid May. In these shares you will receive generous bunches of peonies which will fill your house with their amazing fragrance and long lasting blooms. These shares will surely be a favorite.

Join today!


Swiss Chard and Mushroom Galette (Chard)

Gingery Chicken with Shitakes and Cabbage (Napa Cabbage, Carrots, Cilantro)

Roasted Beet Salad with Tahini Lemon Sauce (Beets)

Vegan Pho (Napa Cabbage, Cilantro, Turnips, Baby Bok Choy, Carrots)

Roasted Garlic Butter Fingerling Potatoes (Fingerling Potatoes)

FSA (Farm Service Announcement)

Don't forget to return your wax boxes each week! 

Mountain Bounty Farm

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CSA Newsletter Week 5/52 (February 3/4)

Week 5/52 of 2021 

Dear Farm Members,

At the bottom of February, spring and summer and their notoriously glamorous produce can seem miles away. We dutifully roast our carrots and rutabagas, all the while yearning for the snap of a cucumber, sweet corn, or a melon, freshly balled. It's okay! Even the best of us occasionally succumb to winter vegetable fatigue. Still, the produce you'll find in your boxes shines in a light all its own. Carrots are at their sweetest from chilly nights and cold storage. Mustard, mizuna, arugula, and kale are mild and sweet from cold and rain. Winter specialties that we're unlikely to see at other times finally appear - romanesco, watermelon radishes, sprouts, and spring onions (to name a few). 

Winter presents a golden opportunity to get to know and appreciate these vegetables that tend to play second during the main season. We do our best to balance out each week's box so that you'll have new and exciting seasonal options to try, along with a solid base of familiar and versatile staples. 

This week, I'm including a short list of my favorite vegetable oriented cookbooks and blogs in the interest of inspiration. There are some truly incredible, innovative chefs out there putting time and energy into seasonal eating - you'll recognize some of them from our weekly recipes. 

Have suggestions for great vegetable recipe resources that you don't see listed here? Email and let us know - we'd love to have them in the collection! 



"Salt Fat Acid Heat" by Samin Nosrat

"Chez Panisse Vegetables" and "The Art of Simple Food" by Alice Waters

"Ruffage: A Practical Guide to Vegetables" by Abra Berens

"Six Seasons" by Joshua McFadden

"Dishing Up the Dirt" by Andrea Beamis

"The Moosewood Cookbook" by Molly Katzen 

“The Vegetable Butcher” by Cara Mangini


Eat Winter Vegetables

Sweet Potato Soul

Dishing Up the Dirt

Half Baked Harvest

Love and Lemons

Kneehigh Farm Seasonal Recipes

Smitten Kitchen



  • Carrots (Mountain Bounty Farm)

  • Sweet Potatoes (Atwater Farms)

  • Sunflower Greens (Natural Trading Company)

  • Cauliflower (Coke Farm)

  • Curly Kale (Coke Farm)

  • Onions (Pinnacle)

  • Broccoli (Riverdog Farm)

  • Watermelon Radishes (Riverdog Farm)

  • Spring Onions (Riverdog Farm)

  • Spinach (Riverdog Farm)


  • Sweet Potatoes (Atwater Farms)

  • Sunflower Greens (Natural Trading Company)

  • Cauliflower (Coke Farm)

  • Curly Kale (Coke Farm)

  • Onions (Pinnacle)

  • Broccoli (Riverdog Farm)

  • Watermelon Radishes (Riverdog Farm)

We added a new feature! You can now see what's in your Vegetable Share from your Member Dashboard.

WINTER FRUIT SHARE: (provided by Sunset Ridge Fine Fruits in Newcastle, CA)

SEASONAL FLOWER SHARES: (provided by Little Boy Flowers)

Early Spring Flower shares are available now!  These shares are 8 weeks starting in mid-March and feature spring blooms from poppies and anemones to tulips and ranunculus.

This year our partner farm Little Boy Flowers will also be offering a peony share for four weeks starting mid May. In these shares you will receive generous bunches of peonies which will fill your house with their amazing fragrance and long lasting blooms. These shares will surely be a favorite.

Join today!


Watermelon Radish, Orange, and Goat Cheese Salad

Sweet Potato Red Lentil Curry

Cauliflower Steaks and Puree with Pistachio-Caper Salsa

The Kale Salad that Started it All

Charred Spring Onions with Romesco Sauce

FSA (Farm Service Announcement)

We've added the ability to place yourself on hold from the Member Dashboard. Holds must be placed by Friday at 11pm of the week before you'd like to hold.

  1. From your Member Dashboard, your Delivery Calendar is shown on the right side of your screen.

  2. Click on the date you'd like to hold.

  3. All of your subscriptions for this date will be listed.

  4. Click the gray button titled "Hold Delivery"

  5. You will get a confirmation email titled "Delivery Hold Notice" for the date you have selected.

How Holds Work:


  • If you paid for 25 deliveries, holds will extend your paid deliveries one week into the future.

  • If you pay every 4 deliveries, you will not be charged again until you receive 4 deliveries of your Vegetable CSA. You will not be charged for weeks your share is on hold.


  • If you paid for the full season, near the end of the fruit season, we will cash out credits to your cash account to be used towards your next renewal.

  • If you pau every 4 deliveries, you will not be charged again until you receive 4 deliveries of your Fruit CSA. You will not be charged for weeks your share is on hold.


  • If you paid for the full season, near the end of the flower season, we will cash out the credits to your cash account to be used towards your next renewal.

Mountain Bounty Farm

Member Dashboard | Current Members Information | Pickup Site Information | Facebook | Instagram 

CSA Newsletter Week 4/52 (January 27/28)

Week 4/52 of 2021 

Dear Farm Members, 

With an icy winter storm on its way, this week we’re feeling grateful as ever for our incredibly tenacious delivery drivers, Mike Berlin (local delivery) and Jason Berger (Tahoe/Truckee/Reno delivery). Getting boxes delivered safely and on-time is a complicated endeavor to begin with - add wild winter weather patterns into the mix and things get even trickier. We’re lucky that these two reliable humans are both willing and able to get our veggies where they need to go, week after week, rain or shine. If you see them out and about, make sure to give them a wave and remind them of how great they are! 

We are delivering "as usual" this week with lots of plans surrounding the upcoming storm. We will keep you updated about any delays via email and list late pickup hours for your site in the delivery reminder.

Your boxes this week are full of some true winter gems. Romanesco, mizuna, rutabagas, shallots, and beyond, bound to nourish you and add some color to cold and snowy days. Enjoy!




  • Carrots (Mountain Bounty Farm)

  • Leeks (Mountain Bounty Farm/Terra Firma)

  • Romanesco (Mountain Bounty Farm/Coke Farm)

  • Spaghetti Squash (Terra Firma)

  • Red Russian Kale (Riverdog)

  • Cilantro (Coke Farm)

  • Broccoli (Coke Farm)

  • Shallots (Coke Farm)

  • Rutabaga (Pinnacle)

  • Mizuna (Full Belly Farm)


  • Carrots (Mountain Bounty Farm)

  • Leeks (Mountain Bounty Farm/Terra Firma)

  • Romanesco (Mountain Bounty Farm/Coke Farm)

  • Spaghetti Squash (Terra Firma)

  • Cilantro (Coke Farm)

  • Rutabaga (Pinnacle)

  • Mizuna (Full Belly Farm)

We added a new feature! You can now see what's in your Vegetable Share from your Member Dashboard.

WINTER FRUIT SHARE: (provided by Sunset Ridge Fine Fruits in Newcastle, CA)

SEASONAL FLOWER SHARES: (provided by Little Boy Flowers)

Early Spring Flower shares are available now!  These shares are 8 weeks starting in mid-March and feature spring blooms from poppies and anemones to tulips and ranunculus. Join today! 

This year our partner farm Little Boy Flowers will also be offering a peony share for four weeks starting mid May. In these shares you will receive generous bunches of peonies which will fill your house with their amazing fragrance and long lasting blooms. These shares will surely be a favorite.

Join today!


Whipped Rutabaga with Crispy Shallots (Rutabaga, Shallots)

Mizuna Salad with Roasted Cauliflower and Cumin Vinaigrette (Mizuna, Romanesco)

Spaghetti Squash with Kale Walnut Pesto (Spaghetti Squash, Kale)

Charred Broccoli with Tonnato, Pecorino, Lemon and Chiles (Broccoli)

Frittata with Leeks and Salad Greens (Leeks, Mizuna, Cilantro)

FSA (Farm Service Announcement)


Holds must be placed by Friday at 11pm of the week before you’d like to hold.

  1. From your Member Dashboard, your Delivery Calendar is shown on the right side of your screen.

  2. Click on the date you’d like to hold.

  3. All of your subscriptions will be listed here.

  4. Click the gray button titled “Hold Delivery”

  5. You will get a confirmation email titled “Delivery Hold Notice” for the date you have selected.

  6. You can also release your holds by clicking “Get Delivery”



If you paid for 25 deliveries;

  • Holds will extend your paid 25 deliveries one week into the future

If you pay-every-4-deliveries;

  • You will not be charged again until you receive 4 deliveries of your Vegetable CSA. You will not be charged for weeks your share is on hold.


If you paid for 19 deliveries (full season);

  • Near the end of the Fruit Season, we will cash out your credits to your cash account balance. These will automatically appear at checkout when you renew your subscription.

If you pay-every-4-deliveries;

  • You will not be charged again until you receive 4 deliveries of your Fruit CSA. You will not be charged for weeks your share is on hold.


If you paid for 8 or 12 deliveries;

  • Near the end of the Flower Season, we will cash out your credits to your cash account balance. These will automatically appear at checkout when you renew your subscription.

Mountain Bounty Farm

Member Dashboard | Current Members Information | Pickup Site Information | Facebook | Instagram 

CSA Newsletter Week 3/52 (January 20/21)

Week 3/52 of 2021 

Dear Farm Members,

It’s hard to deny how wonderful a dose of false-spring feels in the midst of January. We spend all winter chasing the sun and then here it is, warming us from our toes to the tips of our chins. Still, weather like this has us crossing our fingers that the many inches of rain our region so desperately needs are on their way sooner rather than later. Rain to water our fields, to fill rivers and reservoirs, security against a dry season that is never all that far away. And so we wait, soaking up the warmth and listening to the frogs sing from roadside and field. Enjoy your boxes this week - full of edible sunshine for the days ahead! 




  • Carrots (Mountain Bounty Farm)

  • Cabbage (Mountain Bounty Farm)

  • Broccoli (Mountain Bounty Farm/Coke Farm)

  • Potatoes (Super Tuber Farm)

  • Butter Lettuce (Pinnacle)

  • Parsley (Coke Farm)

  • Red Onions (Pinnacle)

  • Leaf Lettuce (Full Belly Farm)

  • Karinata Kale (Full Belly Farm)

  • Spinach (Riverdog Farm)


  • Broccoli (Mountain Bounty Farm/Coke Farm)

  • Potatoes (Super Tuber Farm)

  • Parsley (Coke Farm)

  • Red Onions (Pinnacle)

  • Leaf Lettuce (Full Belly Farm)

  • Karinata Kale (Full Belly Farm)

  • Spinach (Riverdog Farm)

WINTER FRUIT SHARE: (provided by Sunset Ridge Fine Fruits in Newcastle, CA)

  • Meyer Lemons (Sunset Ridge)

  • Satsuma Mandarins (Sunset Ridge)

  • Pink Lady Apples (Smit Farms)


Kale and White Bean Stew (Kale, Onion)

Kale and Goat Cheese Bow-tie Pasta (Kale)

Charred Broccoli and Brown Rice Salad (Broccoli, Onion, Parsley)

Potato Galette (Potatoes, Parsley)

Sauteed Cabbage (Cabbage)

Mountain Bounty Farm

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