CSA Newsletter Week 46/52


Week 46/52 of 2022

Reminder: Next week, we deliver on Wednesday (11/23) for Thanksgiving. All pickup sites and times remain the same. If you are going to be out of town, you can place your share on hold by FRIDAY (11/18) at 11pm.

Dear Farm Members,

This is the last week of our regular season, meaning we say goodbye to some of our First Year Farmers and other part-time folk, and our crew shrinks down to the year-round folk who will be sticking around for another season at Mountain Bounty Farm. Each year we are extremely blessed to be surrounded by hard-working, intelligent, curious and interesting people who want to work here and it's especially hard to see them go. We wish them well on their next adventure!

These last few days together will be filled with meetings discussing everything from irrigation to pest problems from our marketing strategy to our shopping list for next season. We'll also evaluate every crop we've grown over the past 9 months and look at how it did for us and how often we were able to give it in the CSA shares. And this is where you come in! We look at our CSA survey data about which crops you love and which crops you could bear to see less often in your boxes. We take this into consideration and leave this week of meetings with our crop plan for 2023.

So with that, a quick reminder to fill out our vegetable CSA survey so we can grow more of what you love in 2023! We'll select three winners for a free box on Friday.

Enjoy your shares week,



This is likely what you'll receive in your shares but subject to change based on harvest. Box contents for the following week are posted online on Thursday here.



  • Carrots

  • Collards

  • Scallions

  • Kabocha Squash

  • Radish/Bok Choy

  • Escarole

  • Garlic

For those planning their meals for Thanksgiving next week, we're hoping to provide butternut squash, potatoes, leeks, celery, beets, lettuce, sage, turnips, carrots, parsley and radicchio.


WINTER FRUIT SHARES (provided by Frog Hollow Farm)

**This is the THIRD delivery of the WINTER Fruit Share!**

You must renew for the Winter Fruit Share, there is no rollover between seasons!

Please do not take a WINTER Fruit Share if you are not signed up for one.

  • Crimson Gold Apples- Cuyama Farm, New Cuyama

  • Hachiya Persimmon - Twin Girls Farm, Fresno

  • Keitt CA Mango - Ava 's Mangos, Indio

  • Pomegranates - Twin Girls Farm, Fresno

  • Fuyu Persimmons - Chiechi Farms, Live Oak

  • Cameo Apples - Billy Bob Orchards, Watsonville

Important Dates:

  • Wednesday, November 23rd: We deliver on Wednesday for all shares the week of Thanksgiving

  • Wednesday, December 21st: We deliver on Wednesday for all shares the week before Christmas

  • Thursday, December 29th/January 5th: We are on Farm Vacation and do not deliver these weeks

Mountain Bounty Farm

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