CSA Newsletter Week 30/52 (July 26/28)


Week 30/52 of 2022

Dear Farm Members,

It's hard to believe that August is almost here and yet, we keep bustling to the same speedy rhythm - plant, harvest, pack, weed, rest, repeat. This is ‘peak season’ on the farm, an elegant way of saying that right now, everything happens all at once. In classic mid-summer farm fashion, last week one of our irrigation pumps broke, resulting in us only being able to irrigate small sections at a time and delaying some of our fall plantings. Farming can sometimes feel like something is always going wrong, and yet, with determination and our honed problem solving skills, we can get the parts fixed and begin planting and irrigating normally again. Our crew is at its strongest and swiftest, using all the energy we can spare to get everything that needs doing, done and we wouldn't be able to pull this off without them!




  • Sweet Corn

  • Lettuce

  • Kale

  • Carrots

  • Onions

  • Tomatoes

  • Jalapenos

  • Basil

  • Bell Peppers/Cucumbers


  • Sweet Corn

  • Lettuce

  • Kale

  • Carrots

  • Tomatoes

  • Onions

  • Jalapenos

  • Eggplant

SUMMER FRUIT SHARES (provided by Frog Hollow Farm)

Please double check the delivery list to confirm you are signed up for this share. You can sign up for shares starting next week here:https://mountainbounty.csaware.com/summer-fruit-share-wnc-C23344

Please do not take a Summer Fruit Share if you are not signed up for one.

  • Flavor King Pluots (A dark-skinned pluot with yellow-red flesh, it has an intense rich flavor combined with sweet, spicy tones that are reminiscent of the Santa Rosa. A nice acid bite and firm texture that softens beautifully as the fruit continues to ripen, the Flavor King is amazing out of hand and equally good for baking. They come off the tree right at the peak of flavor.)

  • Zee Lady Peaches (The Rich Zee is an excellent early variety to whet the appetite for summer peaches. It is much smaller than later varieties and is more of a 'water' peach than a 'sugar' peach, but a big crowd pleaser at the farmer's markets. It has a strong fragrance, a gentle flavor, and tender, juicy flesh.)

  • Flavortop Nectarines (The Flavor Top is one of the highest scoring nectarine varieties in regional fruit tastings. It's a beautiful variety, with bold streaks of red and yellow and firm succulent flesh. They hold up extremely well when sliced so are ideally suited for a fragrant midsummer fruit salad and are one of the varieties we especially recommend for grilling. Flavor Tops are available in early to mid July.)

SUMMER FLOWER SHARES continue this week! You can you can join here for shares starting next week.


Eggplant Five Ways

Tomato Galette

Carrot Salad

Best Gazpacho

Margherita Pizza

Corn Salsa

Mountain Bounty Farm

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